Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Running Kinda Sucks While You're Doing It.

But as much as it sucks, it seems like I must like it at least a little bit to devote a blog to it. The fact that I don't write it on my own time make it easier but I digress.

This entire little running venture came about after a seemingly normal Facebook status update from a friend saying he was running in a 5K. The Kick for Kenya 5K at Golf Course Church of Christ in Midland, TX, to be specific. Having lapsed in the running game for a while due to injuries sustained in a car wreck and just general American apathy, I decided to join him. Lonnie Richardson and our now-in-the-Navy friend, Martin Arevalo joined, as well.

Running Pic 1

With only a real month of training, I ran this thing and finished with a decent time, much to my own surprise. I kinda got hooked after that. My only real problem with the entire race atmosphere was that they served orange slices post-race but a bottle of Blue Moon nor Shock Top was nowhere to be found (We remedied this at another 5K but that's another story).

Personally, I run because it's kinda cool to see yourself get better at something with tangible evidence that you are. And also, I like collecting those numbers. I'd say I enjoy the charity aspect of it but honestly, aside from the Kenya 5K which tells you in the title who it's for, I don't really do it for that.

And now, I'm committed to running in the Austin Half-Marathon on February 19th. I anticipate major suckage during that race but I'm sure I'll act like it was really fun days later.

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